Our Code School is a hands-on class designed to train individuals to be entry-level software developers within a six-month course. The minimum education requirement is at least a high school diploma or GED. Students work in a small classroom setting and use real-world technologies to learn the fundamentals of coding, app development, the leadership, and the life skills needed for a successful career and job market competitiveness.

1. NOMINATION - Memphis area residents with at least a high school diploma (or GED) may be nominated by a teaching, community, or other professional that is not a relative. Once the student is nominated, they will be invited to complete an application.
2. APPLICATION - Upon nomination, the student must complete an application that collects information regarding the student and his or her readiness for the program.
3. INTERVIEW - Upon completion of the application, qualifying students will be invited and scheduled for an in-person, two-part interview at one of several locations in the Memphis area.
4. ACCEPTANCE - Twenty-five qualifying students are then accepted into the Code School.
5. REVIEW INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS - Some pre-materials (links, videos, etc.) will be provided that introduce some initial concepts and that must be reviewed before the first day of class.
6. DEMONSTRATE A STRONG HEART AND MIND - Becoming a fantastic software developer takes hard work and dedication, from showing up every day on time to completion of homework and projects.
7. SHOW UP, AND WORK HARD - Each of the 25 students in the class will work together every weekday, 40 hours per week, for six months to master this skill set.
8. GRADUATE, AND LAND A GREAT JOB - CodeCrew Code School is successful only when our students are successful in their careers. Thus, CodeCrew Code School partners with local companies seeking our highly-skilled, highly-qualified graduates to fill open software development positions to help each graduate interview for and get placed in a well-paying, entry-level position.
9. ONGOING ADVISING AND MENTORING - CodeCrew Code School will provide continued advising and mentoring to every graduate as they transition into careers as professional software developers.
10. BE FANTASTIC! - Every graduate carries the reputation of the CodeCrew Code School with them into the workforce. We expect you to represent and represent well!
Do I need money to attend Code School?
CodeCrew Code School has no upfront costs. Upon graduation and landing employment, students enter into an income sharing agreement where CodeCrew receives a small percentage of their salary for three years, only if that salary exceeds a monthly rate equivalent to $35,000 annually. CodeCrew is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that does not seek profits, but instead simply seeks to earn enough revenue to help sustain the program for future graduates.
Do I need a computer?
CodeCrew Code School provides each of its students a laptop computer fully equipped with everything required to participate in the class, for the exclusive use by the students during the six month class period. Laptops are returned to the Code School upon graduation. While laptops are provided to all students, any student with their own laptop is welcome to use it instead, as long as it meets the minimum system requirements.
What is the median starting salary for a software engineer in Memphis?
The median starting salary for a software engineer in Memphis is just over $61,000 annually according to Salary.com. Please note that starting salaries range above and below this figure and depend on a number of factors, most especially that of the individual seeking employment.
What will a graduate have to show for?
Every graduate will finish the program with a sound knowledge of full-stack software development, a portfolio of completed projects, an industry-based coding certification, plenty of soft skills practice, and one or more job prospects. While we cannot guarantee every graduate will have a job at the end of the course, our objective is 100% placement of our graduates into software engineering jobs upon graduation, just as has been accomplished at Base Camp Coding Academy (BCCA), the program after which the CodeCrew Code School is modeled.
Do I have to have prior coding experience?
The CodeCrew Code School is designed for adults with virtually no previous experience in coding. All that is required is a strong interest in learning to code, the determination to work hard, and a strong commitment finish what is started. That stated, previous experience in coding will not eliminate or otherwise affect an applicant’s consideration for admission.
How much does it cost to apply?
There is no application fee for the CodeCrew Code School. No nominee, applicant, or student is expected to pay anything before or during the program.
I have a chance to go to college and study computer science. Should I attend CodeCrew Code School instead?
This decision on whether or not to attend college is a personal one. CodeCrew Code School does not advocate choosing a code school instead of college if a person has the means, talent, and determination to both start and finish college. CodeCrew Code School is an additional option targeting the 30,000+ Opportunity Youth in Memphis who for a variety of reasons are not in high school, not in college, and not working, to provide them with another pathway to a successful career. Providing these young people, and adults of all ages, with additional options is the goal of the CodeCrew Code School. Please see the Opportunity Youth Report by Seeding Success for more details about Opportunity Youth in Memphis.
What about soft skills?
The CodeCrew Code School recognizes that while knowing how to code is critically important for any software engineer, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, responsibility, problem solving, and negotiation and conflict resolution are just as important for success in this field. The CodeCrew Code School curriculum incorporates soft skills training across the six month term; however, CodeCrew Code School applicants are encouraged and directed to take advantage of one of several soft skills training providers in Memphis that heavily concentrate on these important skills, including great organizations like The Collective and the Workforce Investment Network. Participants in these and other similar programs are given strong preference in the admissions process for the Code School.
For more insight on soft skills and our perspective on their importance, please visit this great quick reference at https://www.wikijob.co.uk/content/interview-advice/competencies/soft-skills.