What is NCWIT?
The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) is the farthest-reaching network of change leaders focused on advancing innovation by correcting underrepresentation in computing.NCWIT convenes, equips, and unites more than 1,500 change leader organizations nationwide to increase the influential and meaningful participation of girls and women — at the intersections of race/ethnicity, class, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, and other historically marginalized identities — in the field of computing, particularly in terms of innovation and development.
Aspirations in Computing Community
Connect with like-minded high school, college, and early career women, genderqueer, and non-binary people in tech – because YOU belong!
High School Students
If you are currently in 9th-12th grade and are a woman, genderqueer, or non-binary student who is interested in computing and technology, you are invited to join the AiC Community. Instructions on how to join are listed below.​
College Students
If you are currently enrolled in a post-secondary institution (community college, college, or university) with a major or minor in a computing or engineering discipline, and are a woman, genderqueer, or non-binary student, you are invited to join the AiC Community and apply for the Aspirations in Computing Collegiate Award. Qualifying college students must have graduated high school or earned a GED.
Apply for an Award
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC) offers four distinct awards that honor aspirations, abilities, technical accomplishments, and influential guidance.
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing High School Award (AiC High School Award)
The AiC High School Award honors 9th-12th grade women, genderqueer, and non-binary students for their computing-related achievements and interests, and encourages them to pursue their passions.
The AiC Educator Award identifies exemplary formal and informal educators who play a pivotal role in encouraging 9th-12th grade women, genderqueer, and non-binary students to explore their interests in computing and technology. The award recognizes these educators for their efforts to promote gender equity in computing.
The AiC Educator Award is sponsored by AT&T.
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Collegiate Award (AiC Collegiate Award)
The Collegiate Award is open to all AiC Community members who are currently enrolled in a post-secondary institution (community college, college, or university) with a major or minor in a computing or engineering discipline, who have contributed substantially to a technical project involving computing or IT.
The Collegiate Award is sponsored by Bank of America.
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Impact Award (AiC Impact Award)
The NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Impact Award honors Aspirations in Computing (AiC) Community women, genderqueer, and non-binary members and TECHNOLOchicas for their incredible efforts to create opportunities and grow interest in computing and technology through computing-related events and community groups.
Important Dates
Sept. 1- Application opens
October 29th is the deadline
November-January- Selection
Information Sessions 3:30-4:30 PM
Aug 29, 2024
September 27, 2024
October 28, 2024
Information Session Recordings Coming Soon If you have any questions, please contact pamela@code-crew.org.